Yaroslavl enterprises are looking for sales in the UAE

Yaroslavl enterprises are looking for sales in the UAE

Seven companies from the Yaroslavl region represent the region on a business mission to the United Arab Emirates, the Department of Regional Development and Foreign Economic Affairs reported.

The Kommersant-Yaroslavl department explained that representatives of Gefest LLC, Termish LLC, RosYarpak LLC, Terpak LLC, Himbiotech LLC, Sobranie LLC, Severmash LLC are taking part in the business mission “.

As part of the trip, each of the companies must hold five business meetings.

“The Export Center of the Yaroslavl Region helped companies identify a pool of potential partners and made appointments, prepared and adapted presentation materials, and provided expert support for negotiations. As part of the mission, the companies present product samples, study the UAE and neighboring countries’ market in detail, ”the department said.

The day before, on November 7, the first business meeting with partners from the UAE was held at the representatives of RosYarpak LLC, engaged in the production of paper packaging.

“The first of six planned meetings with representatives of potential partner companies took place in Dubai. There was an opportunity to get information about the potential of the paper packaging market in the UAE. On Monday, it is planned to hold two meetings with dealers of paper packaging “, – said the commercial director of RosYarpak LLC Lyubov Labaeva.

The company for the production of thermal packaging LLC “Terpak” said that the company’s products are supplied to many foreign markets.

“We are constantly expanding the geography of supplies. Now there is an opportunity to show the products to partners from the UAE. Business meetings have already taken place, there is definitely an interest from that side. More than 20% of the company’s products are exported. Now we are working with many CIS countries, these are Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and others, “the company told Kommersant-Yaroslavl.

The business trip of the Yaroslavl exporters will end on November 11.

Source: kommersant.ru